Friday, November 16, 2007

Deepavali Newsletter

Houston: His Holiness Sri Swamiji arrived in Houston on October 19th and inagurated JET Vedic Learning Center. About 400 devotees participated in Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Puja. A unique opportunity for devotees to witness 'SAMI' puja – puja to 'SAMI' tree on Dasara day also took place and Sri Swamiji explained significance of Dasara and SAMI puja. Visit JETHOUSTON for details and pictures.

Dallas: His Holiness visited Dallas and blessed devotees with a training camp for Vikasatarangini and guided them in worshipping Lord Sri Lakshmi Narayana in a puja.

Chennai: The grand function of HH Sri Swamiji's 52nd Birthday was celebrated by the devotees at Chennai, on Deepavali, the Festival of Lights. Every year HH Sri Swamiji presents Jeeyar award to an eminent scholar who rendered many services in Vedic Tradition. This year a Vedic Scholar Chaturvedi, Srowtha Bhaskara, Brahma Sri Dendukuri Agnihothra Ghanapaatiji was chosen for this award. HH Sri Swamiji presented the award to Agnihothra Ghanapaatiji along with citation and cash of Rs.50,000/-. Sahasra kalasa abhishekam (Divine bath) was performed to Sri Swamiji's perumal Lord Rama. Visit Sri Swamiji's website for more details.

Australia:His Holiness is currently visiting Australia and New Zealand from November 15th to December 3rd. Discourses, Kalyanams, Pujas, Homams are planned with a busy schedule in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Auckland. More details at JETAUSTRALIA

Bay Area: On November 9th, 2007, families from different areas in the Bay Area congregated to celebrate Deepavali, as well as our Acharya's tirunakshatram. Devotees prayed to Swamiji, and Lakshmi Devi. On November 10th, Prajna families participated in in a get together at Lake Elizabeth Park, Fremont. Kids played several games, and gave presentations about Swamiji: when HH was born, what the Tridandam means, etc. Some kids also gave presentations on their experiences with Swamiji. Afterwards, parents were asked questions about Swamiji's various activies. The children of the parents who answered the question correctly received candy, for their parents' efforts. Everyone enjoyed the get together as a good Karthi:ka Vana Bhojanam. Pictures are on .

Warangal: Free Cancer Detection, awareness and health care
programs in rural areas
: His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji launched the project on the 15th of October. Vikasa Tarangini volunteers started the campaign and free testing from a village Bhattupalli, utilizing a medical van donated by NRI Hospitals along with technicians. It has been equipped with a mammogram, ultrasound and other hi-tech equipment that will help diagnose cancer in patients. Volunteers will take the information door to door, educating the rural population about the dangers of cancer and how to take preventive measures. People are also being tested for various types of cancers. Patients diagnosed as positive are referred to the NRI hospital in Guntur and two Government Hospitals, that have accepted to provide free treatment to the best possible extent. Full details at this link

Upcoming Events:
Venkateswara Saranagathi Diksha
Dhanurmasa Vratham From Dec 16th to Jan 14th
Classes for Bhagavad Gita Spiritual Summer Camp Participants

Please watch for announcements. If you have a news item to post or a
question/suggesstion, please contact

Jai Srimannarayana!
Devaki Kalvapudi.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Prajna Classes

Day 1 (August 28th 2007)

Day 2 (August 29th 2007)

Day 3 (August 30th 2007)

Day 4 (September 5th 2007)

Day 5 (September 6th 2007)

Day 6 (September 7th 2007)

Day 7 (September 12th 2007)

Day 8 (September 13th 2007)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Teacher training classes on telebridge

Jai Srimannarayana to all,

JETUSA Bay Area is planning to have Prajna Classes for interested future teachers of Prajna on telebridge by Sriman Muraliji. We will be starting our first training class tomorrow which is Hygri:va Jayanthi, an auspicious day to start our training. We are fortunate enough to have Sriman Muraliji with us. He is willing to teach all the interested people on telebridge. It is not necessarily, a teacher training. All the interested people can dail in and learn the slokas from Prajna Module 1 and 2.

There is a lot of demand for conducting Prajna classes at new locations and timings every year. We need a lot of volunteer support in running the regular classes under the guidance of His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji and Kum. Saradaji. I humbly request everyone in Prajna to utilize this wonderful opportunity and join the coaching classes to help ourselves in being aware of Prajna curriculum. Check the website for current schedules and dial in number.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Prajna students perform Hayagri:va Puja

On the last day of summer holidays, the occasion of Hayagri:va Jayanti, Prajna children of Bay Area performed Hayagri:va Puja. With the mangalashanams of our beloved acharya the Prajna children this summer have been involved in 2 summer camps, one at Fremont and one at Sunnyvale and today they have performed Hayagri:va puja. Lord Hayagri:va is worshiped as the personification of all knowledge. "Haya" means knowledge, "gri:va" means one who holds all the knowledge in his throat. If one worships Lord Hayagri:va for mastering any particular branch or branches of knowledge, He grants it readily and sees to it that there are no obstacles to acquire such knowledge. May Lord Hayagri:va bless these children with all the knowledge they would need to start their fall classes and ensure a successful academic year. Thanks to Sheshdriji for making the photos available to us so quickly. Here is the slideshow of today's event. Check out Swamiji's article about Lord Hayagri:va here:

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Prajna Summer camp at Fremont

Summer is almost coming close to an end and the Fremont local chapter conducted its phase of Prajna summer camp. The camp was held near Ardenwood area and about 40 students registered to come for the event. The camp was held from August 13th to August 17th 2007. Certificates were distributed on the last day of the camp.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Swamiji's message on India's Independence day

Credits: Audio has been made available by Sri Krishnagaaru from India. We have just converted the original 'wma' file to streaming 'mp3' to allow the audio to be embedded into the blog directly. Please visit for the original location of the audio file. For the streaming version click below to play.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Prajna Summer camp at Sunnyvale

The Sunnyvale local chapter conducted its Prajna summer camp for 2 weeks from July 16th to 20th and July 23rd to 27th 2007. The camp was conducted in Sanatana Dharma Kendra, Sunnyvale. Roughly about 100 to 150 children had registered for the camp. The camp was completed successfully with certificates being distributed to all the children at the end of the camp. The children also put up performances at the end of each week.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Swamiji leaves for New Jersey

After the usual Theertha Goshti Swamiji bid goodbye to all of us. Swamiji and several others with Swamiji were heading to New Jersey.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sri Swamiji's interview on KZSU 90.1 FM

This morning at 7:30 am Sri Swamiji gave an interview on Stanford University's KZSU 90.1 FM radio. Radio host, Sri, asked our Swamiji several questions related to the Jeeyar Education Trust and the various activities of Sri Swamiji. Swamiji talked about the history of JET and its international chapters like JETUSA and JET Australia. Swamiji explained the motto of JET - 'Serve all beings as service to God' and 'Worship your own and Respect all.'

For those who missed the wonderful talk today, here is the streaming version of the talk. Please listen to it and be inspired to be a part of this wonderful organization - JET and contribute to its several services, for this organization comprises of a vast number of volunteers doing various services guided by Swamiji's vision and guidance. Listen to the divine message from HH by clicking on "Play" button below.

Jai Srimannarayana!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sri Swamiji arrives at Fremont

The day after Memorial day - Tuesday morning at around 2:15 am Sri Swamiji set foot in the Bay Area at Sriman Vishnuji's residence. Several devotees were waiting eagerly for Swamiji's arrival. Once Swamiji arrived Vishnuji welcomed HH into his home after washing Swamiji's feet and adorning Swamiji with a garland. Once inside, Swamiji peformed A:rathi to the lord. It looks like after all we were showered by his divine grace - HH talked to each and every devotee even after a long tiring journey. Swamiji fixed the timings for Theertha Goshti for the day (Tuesday 05/29) at around 10:00 am. After a while we all wished Swamiji "Good night" in the form of "Jai Srimannarayana" and took leave for the night. Here are a few pictures taken during the occasion.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Welcome to the JETUSA California Bay Area Blog

Jai Srimannarayana,

This will be the new home for all news updates related to JET in general and JETCalifornia in particular.

Here you will find the following:
  1. Swamiji's answers to our questions
  2. News and local updates
  3. Videos and audios playable directly in the browser
  4. Photo slideshows of all events
Please bear with us while we update the contents and open the blog for everyone.


Karthik RD (Site and Content Manager)